Please send cash or check donations to our postal address:

85, Medinat Hayehudim, Herzlia (c/o Tadea),  POB 4143 Herzlia, 4676670
Checks should be made out to “Ziv Neurim NPO”

Direct bank transfers:

Bank Mizrahi (20)
Branch No. 421
Acc. No. 504865
Gan Ha’ir
Tel Aviv

Direct bank transfers from abroad to:

United Mizrahi Bank Isreal
Name of Beneficiary – Ziv neurim
Branch Number – 421
Account Number – 504865
Swift Code is – MIZBILIT IBAN – IL 31 0204 2100 0000 0504 865

Ziv Neurim thanks you for your contribution to the success of our activities with at-risk youth

Contributions to Ziv Neurim are income tax deductible under section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance.

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